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Moment of Clarity

It all makes perfect sense now! This e-x-a-c-t moment! Clear as water!
Listen up, each time we experience pain, frustration or unhappiness is merely a result of not being able to REMEMBER what we were supposed to be doing... It's actually a kick in the nuts by the universe so we can wise up and re-align with the right path.
We, humans, are programmed machines. We work better with rules and social conditions yet we can and should REMEMBER our own biological/strutural nature: and that is the big step up and highest challenge of all, to step away from what's safe and pace up with the global call, the awareness that all is intermingled and the same. Respect is a sign of evolution not education. And the latest is self-thought and a constant add-up.

Every little tiny aspect of your (in)significant life is "meticulously planned and orchestrated by your soul. Distortion arises because the bi-polar condition of human consciousness perceives God's perfect will as "good" or "bad". Separation is the gap between what Is and one's perception of what Is. On either side of man's fear-based perceptions of God's ever-perfect world lies pure, infinite love." Bhayavan Sri Pranananda (Louix Dor Dempriey)

The ONE BIG truth is: we KNOW what we WANT because it's part of our on-going Self to let us know (be it on this planet, this life you're living, or past/future ones) we don't speak with our minds because we're afraid and tend to avoid and forget it all because it's easier, SAFER and that's how we were thought to be.
But our path is right there in front of our nose, aligned and predisposed so it all goes according with our necessities and fullfillment. Once you make your way into what is significant and beneficial for yourself the laws of the universe will work it all in your favour.
Deny FEAR, pain and uncertainty. Take my word and listen closely to your "soul", to your guts, to your WILL (Crowley) to yourself as being your own god because Blake is/was true and we're all made of stars, son of stars and stars to be! So shine on! There's nothing more beautiful than standing up for yourself and having the courage to go against all odds. If one is ultimately sure of something it doesn't really matter if it's true or not, because it WILL become true on it's own sake, in your OWN/shared reality. It's a small world afterall!
And by being brave and courages, one is inspiring other people around, that's a supreme gift!
This higher truth, often called the time of revelation (or the Apocalypse as viewed by the drastic christian prespective),is based on all things which are whole and respect integrity.
The key to access this realm of evidence is by paying attention to small warning signs. Like the one I've mentioned earlier: each time you feel bad with yourself wise up and re-evaluate your position within the universe and the degree of truth you're extablishing with yourself. Be honest and have sense with your desires and aspirations, do what thou wilt aint harm none shall be the ultimate law. Don't lie to others or yourself. You're literally killing a part of someone or something (Varney) by making something up, it won't take you faraway either. You KNOW that lying is a shortcut to avoid the TRUTH and sooner or later the thing you're running from will hit you in the face.
Pay attention to your dreams. LISTEN closely to new poeple which come up in your life and daily routine. Rethink situation which you pass-by quickly and sometimes have deeper meaning. Put your guns down and forgive other people misbeahaviours and actions, be light, it will help you prevent doing the same thing with people you cherish.
This might sound ridicously silly but unconditional love is the key for global harmony and fulfillment.

The book is on the editor's desk
Approved page by page
Waiting to be published
Move yourSelf and go write it down!